
The new craze is all about the avocado.  I’m one of the lucky people who grew up eating avocados as a snack, and I absolutely love this fruit as a result.  Oh, don’t be surprised, you knew it was a fruit 🙂  Side note, someone once told me that the best way to distinguish between a fruit and vegetable is to see if it has seeds or a pit – that indicates a fruit.

There are so many health benefits to avocados, and it’s all over the internet so I won’t repeat the information. Check one of many articles here: Avocado Benefits

While I love and highly recommend this fruit, I also want to reiterate what my dietician recently told me.  Avocados are high in monounsaturated fats, the good fat that may help lower cholesterol in our blood.  However, don’t consume an entire avocado in one sitting because you could easily add on pounds as a result.  Everything in moderation.

Now that aside, let me share some of my favorite avocado recipes.

The Avocado Breakfast or Snack

  • Get a whole wheat crunchy toast
  • Place a couple of avocado slices on your crunchy toast
  • With a fork, smash the avocado
  • Pour a dab of olive oil, salt, and pepper.

You will love this!

Screenshot 2015-01-13 14.52.01


The Avocado Dessert 

I grew up eating this one, and while it may seem weird to you, you must try it.

  • Cut up an avocado in half.
  • Remove the pit and store one side in a ziploc bag.  Pour a little lime juice to keep it from browning first.
  • Take a packet of splenda or stevia and drizzle it over the half you plan to eat.
  • Don’t even remove it from the shell, use it as a “cup” and just spoon right from it.


The Avocado breakfast/dinner/lunch

There is no recipe here because you can pretty much add avocado to anything.  I eat it on burgers, chicken sandwich, omelets, scrambled eggs, pasta, any salad, vegetable rice, sushi, pita anything, etc.



There are so many more ways to use avocado, but once you start adding them to your diet, you’ll figure out new ways you hadn’t thought of before.  The trick here is to always have an avocado at home, and then the sky is the limit!

Let me know your avocado recipe in the comments below.